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tv   11 News at 6  NBC  November 1, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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this election. >> with just five days left to nail down another turn -- another term, the president's itinerary is packed. at a rally in green bay, the president said mitt romney will not bring about change the country needs. >> governor romney has been using his talents as a salesman to dress up the very same policies that failed our country so badly. >> the campaign is out with new ads. >> the president save the auto industry. >> president clinton says mr. obama needs to strike a good tone. >> it would be who both candidates to close on a positive note, making a case for themselves, a case against the other guy. >> tomorrow, the president had to ohio and will be spending the entire day. he has three different campaign stops, underscoring the importance of the buckeye state.
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let's get a look at mitt romney's final push. >> we saw mitt romney soften his tone during sandy but that has all changed. it is now back to business and game on. >> if i am elected -- a slip of the time in virginia, but he quickly went back into his stump speech and a new line of attack against the president. >> we don't need a secretary of business to understand business, we need a president who understands business and i do. >> he may appoint a secretary of business. his solution to everything is add another bureaucrat. >> >> there is no question he can win. >> a republican strategist says the best way to close the deal is focus on the fundamentals. >> he has got to give a people who may be wrestling with their choice the confidence he can fix
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it and he knows how to make the economy better. >> mitt romney plans to take that argument to wisconsin and ohio. nearly 100 surrogates will help kick off the across the american tour. >> where do things stand in the latest polls? >> at least one daily tracking poll has mitt romney up by two points. but a new poll just out shows obama up by several points, leading in wisconsin, new hampshire and iowa. >> back and forth, back and forth. >> you can stay more collected -- more connected than ever before.
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a reminder of what these types of storms can do. maryland was very lucky this week. there is no doubt about that. >> cleanup has begun a long pitcher's east shore, but what do you do about this? is brand-new, carved out as the storm ripped through the barrier island on monday night. the house is now flattened or moved or stuck. >> i don't know where the house came from. the bridge of his peers were used to join the main road. the houses were someplace else for monday night. there are those who were moved there. >> it is phenomenal. this is what the town looked like before monday. now it is gone. and tune has been pushed into
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the homes and streets. all along is destruction. house is piled onto one another and others burned to the ground. in seaside heights, both amusement peers are gone. this is what it used to look like and now. right below us. my family was lucky. the house has been in the family for more than 50 years and appears to be ok. the damage is minor, but house is standing and in the same spot where it is supposed to be, which is what our greatest concern was. that might have gotten moved because it's on an older foundation. >> further south, atlantic city remains closed off but flooding was the problem here. cape maine may have had high water, but this clearly missed sandy's best pitch.
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>> like everyone else who has a home in that area, in my family, we are anxious to get in there and assess the damage. but there was very little going on in terms of the beginning of the cleanup. there is an awful lot of work that has to get done. at this point, there is no timetable given for when owners of the property may be able to get back again. hong >> unbelievable. >> it could have taken a turn up the chesapeake bay. >> as they pick up the pieces, trains and buses aren't doing the same. >> we've got more on that part of the story. >> i want you to get confused by the people coming out of penn station right now. they are coming off a train
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which has seen off limits to disruptions at this hour. but it is a much different story as far as amtrak is concerned. trains north of newark, new jersey will not be restored until at least monday. this, as the entire travel industry tries to get back to normal. >> now that sandy has passed and people are trying to get back to normal, amtrak is probably having the most trouble as it tracks remain flooded and damage in and north of new york. there is modified service, meaning you can get as far as newark, new jersey. that is good news for this woman trying to get back to queen's. >> no trains to new york until monday. that is not the word i want to use right now. >> there were some minor blips' with baltimore's cruise
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terminal. passengers said to leave on the enchantment of the seas can get a voucher for their crews or take a cruise to nowhere up the chesapeake bay and out to sea for a day. >> most of us just wanted to relax and do nothing. we got what we wanted to do. >> he was one of about 12 underpass in jersey took a cruise and said writing out sandy was just fine. >> the captain did a wonderful job. when we were anchored, you could not even tell we were on the ship. >> our flight was canceled and we found out monday afternoon but we could not read book. we are flying home today to seattle. >> flights for canceled out of laguardia. storm preparations went off without a hitch but they told us they never closed the airport,
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rather airlines cancelled flights late sunday and all day monday and removed all of their planes from the airfield. >> all of the prep work that goes into this, all the things went right because people did their homework. >> another thing to think about is how all of the commerce lost. i talked to cabdrivers' waiting in line and they said they are losing tens of thousands of dollars each day because of the whole situation. >> public works crews are on the scene of not one but to a water main breaks tonight. the first is in northeast baltimore. the 12 inch main broke around 6:30 this morning. the road is only open to local traffic. stadium way is completely closed. officials say they expect the
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road to stay closed for at least two days while repairs are being made. meanwhile, a 16-inch water main break closed york road between 41st street and cold spring lane. this is no relation to the previously mentioned water main break. stay with us while we deal with a fire alarm in the studio. still much news ahead. >> anytime there is a fire alarm, it must mean sports is around the corner. they think winning begins with the improved communication. >> tracking a few showers on doppler.
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>> and tooling advertising claims around question 6 is causing some confusion. >> we're talking about the same sex referendum. let's go live now to the newsroom with a fat check. >> that claims if question six passes, the gay and lesbian lifestyle will be part of our public school curriculum. with a same-sex referendum question as well. we checked them out and they're simply substituting maryland with maine, minnesota, and washington state. >> if a marriage happed here, schools could teach boys can merry boys. >> . question six has nothing to do with maryland public school curriculum. question six recognizes same-sex
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marriages and hypertext clergy from having to perform ceremonies in violation of their religious beliefs and firms in each religion has exclusive control over it on the eligible doctrine. >> if this redefines marriages, local schools taught it in second grade. parents had no right to take their students at a class or be informed when the instruction was going to take place. >> claim is misleading. they are referring to a case where a second grade teacher read the class a book in which to princess married. but his son was in kindergarten at that time. he brought home a book called who is in the family. it was not required reading. the parkers filed a lawsuit, but it did not challenge the use of the books. they wanted the school to provide prior notice so there's some could opt out of class. the case was dismissed.
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court records indicate the notification statute requires public schools to notify a parent when their children are taught about sex or of human sexuality. court papers indicate they were promoting the tolerance of different types of families, including those with same-sex families. >> it could be taught in local maryland schools. >> this claim is false. there is no direct link between question 6 and public school curriculum. the state does not get involved with local board decisions. before a school board changes curriculum, the material is headed by parents, teachers and the community. school board officials say this has never been an issue in maryland and they are not aware of any interest in making it one. polls show a wide margin of support for same-sex marriage. since early october, the latest survey indicates voters are
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split. >> doppler picking up on live -- on sprinkles across central maryland. it is all grain east of the mountains. the light showers will continue to track eastbound through the state but another batch of showers may break out tomorrow. we're not quite done with the impact just yet. the storm system is way up in eastern canada. in baltimore, the end result was a cooler than normal day. that 12 degrees below the average. we'll show you the average high -- 62. 29 is the record low. temperatures in the '30's in the mountains. 50s to the south and east. tonight, we will bottom out in
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the suburbs. the low pressure system that was once sandy is up near james bay now. but the broad circulation is impacting everyone from maine to maryland and addis flowing around the storm, but dragging down the area. that will continue to keep our temperatures below normal. in and out of the crowd -- in and out of the cloud that more sunshine on saturday. on saturday, temperatures running below normal. a weather disturbance passes to the south and that will continue into monday before another storm tries to form around the coast. 51 to 56 tomorrow with variable clouds and isolated showers. sunrise at 7:36. the wind could gust up to 25 knots on the open waters of the day. a small craft advisory on the day tomorrow.
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dealing with the blizzard aspect, it all winds down to flurries and snow showers tonight and tomorrow. finally, a good deal of sunshine at high temperatures in the '30's in western maryland. may be a passing shower tomorrow. lots of sunshine on saturday. at that coast, a breezy couple of days. high temperatures each day in their mid-50s. this is the weekend we go back to standard time, so we fall back to 1:00 at 2:00 on saturday. -- on sunday morning. around baltimore, temperatures stay below normal. 54 highs. through the weekend, partly cloudy. election day looks decent but clouds will be increasing because the storm will form on the coast. there could be rain or snow with highs in the 40's.
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>> this is an 11 sports. >> the raven's defense starts with the reagans pro bowl defensive tackle. he did not practice because of a shoulder injury. the pain comes from something harder to pinpoint. the ravens offense that has played a high level has scored only one touchdown in the past two road games. joe flateau has only two interceptions before the home games. the same players with very different results. things start with better communication from the sideline and a line of scrimmage. maryland men's basketball team gets the action to bar night. we'll get more on that story
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tonight at 11:00. but it looks like a lot for a super season next year. the team finished 17 and 15. the most talented newcomers have to sit out this season. maryland has an impressive rookie class period, but they may need a little patience before getting back into the conversation of the best teams. >> we have four returning players and the rest are new guys. been really inconsistent. our guard play has been in the odds. day today, i don't know what i'm going to get. >> the season opens tomorrow night and hopes ran high that this time around, this season and a little differently.
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three years ago, -- the last coach expect another deep run. it will have to do with a new goalie. the gun to a coaching career so they take over the critical job at first mariner arena. >> a good season last year. it did not and on the note he wanted, but it is what is. we think we put together a good squad and we have a lot of veterans returning sprinkled with new guys. we are looking forward to chicago on saturday night. >> stick around, you're seven- day forecast is straight ahead.
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i've always been lucky. flew 37 bombing missions over germany. made it home every time. i'm lucky to have good friends who are all still around,
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and we're all lucky to have a friend named ben. ben's protected our medicare and veterans' benefits. and he's helping my 13 grandchildren afford college. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i'm honored to approve this message.
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>> police are on the hunt for this man because of what they say he did to a 6-year-old child inside discount store. we will have the disturbing allegations. what prompted a high-school principal to send a letter home to parents? to parents? thes
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i've always been lucky. flew 37 bombing missions over germany. made it home every time. i'm lucky to have good friends who are all still around, and we're all lucky to have a friend named ben. ben's protected our medicare and veterans' benefits. and he's helping my 13 grandchildren afford college. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i'm honored to approve this message.
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>> otherwise, things are easing up a little bit. >> a 20% chance of showers and it will be cooler than normal and breezy. on saturday and sunday, partly cloudy skies and you get to sleep and extra hour on sunday. clock's dead set back. are you excited about that? on election day, it looks pretty good. >> you are too young to be that
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excited about sleep. excited about sleep. nbc nightly news is next
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